Should Your B2B Company Hire A Marketing Person?

Lance Cummins

by Lance Cummins • 22 minute watch

Should Your B2B Company Hire A Marketing Person?

Hiring a marketing person could be the next step toward significant growth in your company—or it could lead you down the wrong path.

How do you know they’ll have the broad range of skills needed to fulfill the many tasks a marketing role demands? What if the new hire falls short of expectations, or their efforts don’t pay off at all? And will they be the one coming up with the ideas, or merely implementing them?

At the same time, you may also be trying to quantify what skills your company even needs for this position.

If you’re feeling like a stress mess, it’s time to take a good deep breath and watch this video. It may help address some of your questions around whether or not it’s time to make that first marketing hire. Good luck!

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