B2B SaaS Marketing: 21 Experts To Follow For The Best Advice

Brandon Hastings

by Brandon Hastings • 5 minute read

B2B SaaS Marketing: 21 Experts To Follow For The Best Advice

The game of marketing is always changing. Every year it seems there are not only new best practices to abide by but also industries that benefit from a specialized approach, the most recent of which being B2B SaaS marketing.

SaaS (or software-as-a-service) solutions have quickly gained prominence in the software space, with IT and security professionals from one 2020 study estimating that 70% of the business apps their companies used were SaaS-based—and that by 2025 that number would increase to 85%. With such wide customer adoption, it’s no surprise that B2B SaaS marketing has become a new fan favorite among marketing professionals.

So how can you get your hands on the secrets of B2B SaaS marketing? Turn to the experts below who happily share them with others.

Follow These 21 Experts To Inform Your B2B SaaS Marketing

1 Mathew Sweezey

Datis Mohsenipour, VP of sales & marketing at Outback Team Building & Training, says he recommends following Mathew Sweezey because Sweezey:

  • Has a great collection of video content and webinars
  • Has been with Salesforce for over a decade and shares in-depth, data-backed best practices for marketers and sales professionals
  • Doesn’t just regurgitate the same content everyone else is talking about

You can follow Mathew Sweezey on Twitter and LinkedIn.

2 Jason M. Lemkin

Alex Capozzolo, co-founder of Brotherly Love Real Estate, says if you want to really understand B2B SaaS marketing, pay attention to Jason M. Lemkin, a “well-known name among SaaS devotees. He co-founded and served as CEO of EchoSign, the world's leading electronic signature business. Adobe purchased EchoSign in 2011 and rebranded it as Adobe Sign.”

Capozzolo says Lemkin also co-founded NanoGram Devices, a nanotechnology startup that achieved rapid success. (It was acquired for $50 million within 13 months of its establishment.) “Lemkin started SaaStr.com—the world's largest community of SaaS executives and founders—for SaaS aficionados like himself. He also occasionally shares fascinating and informative blogs on Medium, and most of his tweets contain practical advice for anyone interested in SaaS.”

You can follow Jason M. Lemkin on Twitter and LinkedIn.

3 Gary Vaynerchuk

“Gary Vaynerchuk must be included in any list of the finest digital marketing experts,” says Nick Jordan, founder & CEO of Workello. “Vaynerchuk, often going by Gary Vee, is a tenacious entrepreneur, speaker, author, and online content developer.”

Jordan says Vaynerchuk turned his parents’ wine business into a multimillion-dollar business before launching the famous ad agency VaynerMedia by using innovative digital marketing strategies.

Vaynerchuk is also a five-time New York Times bestselling author, serves on numerous boards and organizations, and is involved with everything from restaurant reservation apps to charitable organizations. “He was an early investor in some of today's most well-known startups, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Venmo, and he shows no signs of slowing down. He's ‘in love with the hustle,’ as he puts it,” says Jordan.

You can follow Gary Vaynerchuk on Twitter and LinkedIn.

4 Guy Kawasaki

Marc Stitt, CMO of FMX, recommends following Guy Kawasaki for B2B SaaS marketing advice. Kawasaki, a self-described chief evangelist, is most known for his marketing work at Apple in the 1980s, and now works in a similar capacity at online graphic design business Canva.

Kawasaki has published 13 books, including The Art of Social Media and The Art of the Start 2.0. “This expert is an extreme knowledge-sharer, giving 50 keynote talks per year in addition to the TEDx talk he delivered on The Art of Innovation,” says Stitt.

You can follow Guy Kawasaki on Twitter and LinkedIn.

5 Dennis Yu

Sumit Bansal, founder and CEO of TrumpExcel, says Dennis Yu is regarded as one of the top experts in the field of digital marketing. He was formerly employed as a Yahoo search engine developer.

“Needless to say, Yu is well-versed in the fields of SEO and SEM. He's also a popular and well-received speaker at social media and digital marketing conferences,” says Bansal. “He publishes articles for AdWeek and Social Media Examiner, educating marketers on enhancing their skills, such as how to correctly boost a post on Facebook. On social media, he shares in-depth insights and trendy marketing tips that can help you grow your digital agency.”

You can follow Dennis Yu on Twitter and LinkedIn.

6 Matt Heinz

Jamie Opalchuk, founder and CEO of HostPapa, says he and his leadership team have been following Matt Heinz’s work for “a long time because Heinz has a strong background in sales and marketing and because we consider him to be an expert in account-based marketing (ABM).”

Opalchuk says Heinz is the president of Heinz Marketing, and his areas of expertise include B2B demand generation, pipeline management, content strategy, and marketing technology.

“We've heard nothing but positive things about the work that Heinz and his colleagues do,” says Opalchuk. “In addition to being a two-time winner of the Top 50 Most Influential People in Sales Lead Management, Heinz is regarded as one of the Top 50 Sales and Marketing Influencers in the world.”

You can follow Matt Heinz on Twitter and LinkedIn.

7 Jill Rowley

Gavin Johnson, managing director at EV Cable Shop, recommends following Jill Rowley for her B2B SaaS marketing expertise. “With over 15 years of SaaS experience, Rowley is not only a SaaS marketing expert, but also a startup counselor, keynote speaker, and social selling evangelist.”

You can follow Jill Rowley on Twitter and LinkedIn.

8 Guillaume Moubeche

“Guillaume Moubeche is a marketing expert all SaaS marketers need to follow,” says Philip Pages, founder of STNGR, “He bootstrapped his company to $10 million in annual recurring revenue—garnering a $100 million valuation—and is extremely open about the lessons he's learned. It's rare to see the quality of information he shares given away for free.”

You can follow Guillaume Moubeche on Twitter and LinkedIn.

9 Peep Laja

Matt Weidle, business development manager at Buyer's Guide, says Peep Laja is an entrepreneur, speaker, and digital marketing specialist—and an expert to follow if you appreciate someone who relies on evidence-based marketing.

“Everything Laja does is based on research, statistics, studies, and the like,” Weidle explains. He also notes that Laja has been named the most influential conversion rate optimization expert in the world, and is the author of several books:

  • How to Create Websites That Sell: A Scientific Approach to Web Design
  • Master the Essentials of Conversion Optimization: An Expert's Approach to Optimization
  • How to Persuade People: Hidden Secret Mind Tricks.

You can follow Peep Laja on Twitter and LinkedIn.

10 Larry Kim

Josh Pelletier, CMO of BarBend, recommends following Larry Kim, the founder and former CTO of WordStream and current founder and CEO of messaging automation platform MobileMonkey. “Kim is a true SEO expert, and he was named the most influential PPC expert in 2013, 2014, and 2015. Notably, he is the author of Search Engine Land and one of the most retweeted search engine marketers.”

You can follow Larry Kim on Twitter and LinkedIn.

11 Marijana Kostelac

“My favorite B2B SaaS marketing expert to follow on Twitter is Marijana Kostelac,” says Ravi Parikh, CEO of RoverPass. “She’s written extensively about marketing for SaaS companies and has demonstrable experience working with them to improve their marketing processes. She also has a podcast which has really influenced my own marketing strategy.”

You can follow Marijana Kostelac on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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12 Jeff Mains

“Humbly, one of the best B2B SaaS marketing experts I can recommend for you is me,” says Jeff Mains, CEO of Champion Leadership Group. “I have helped B2B SaaS and technology CEOs cross the death valley and grow annual revenue beyond $10 million.”

In addition, Mains says that he and his growth accelerator team teach entrepreneurs to create futureproof companies while achieving profit, freedom, and impact. “Leveraging my experience building five companies to over $200 million in combined revenue, I equip leaders to live up to their potential.”

Mains was selected as CEO of the Year by CEO Monthly in March 2021, and is the author of the bestselling business book Small Fish, Big Pond: Building a World Class Business That Swims Circles Around Competitors.

You can follow Jeff Mains on Twitter and LinkedIn.

13 Olga Andrienko

Frederik Lipfert, founder & CEO of vpncheck, recommends following Olga Andrienko, who was named one of the top 25 most influential women in digital marketing by TopRank Marketing in 2018. “Andrienko is an SEO and SEM guru, and speaks on the newest developments in digital marketing at conferences and events throughout the world as the VP of brand marketing at Semrush.”

Lipfert says Andrienko is also a judge for the UK and EU Content Awards, and the U.S. Social Media & Communication Awards “when she isn't busy expanding the Semrush brand, which is utilized by over 7 million digital marketers globally.”

You can follow Olga Andrienko on Twitter and LinkedIn.

14 Neil Patel

“To be honest, Neil Patel is about as close to a rock star as you can get in the modern world of digital marketing,” says Veronica Miller, digital marketing & growth director at VPNoverview. “If you're seeking guidance on how to increase organic traffic to your website, Neil is the man for you. He has spoken at conferences and corporations all over the world, including those run by Facebook and the Reuters news agency.”

Patel’s accolades include:

  • Wall Street Journal top influencer
  • Forbes top 10 marketers
  • Entrepreneur Magazine 100 most brilliant companies
  • New York Times bestselling author
  • President Obama's list of the top 100 entrepreneurs under the age of 30
  • United Nations' list of the top 100 entrepreneurs under the age of 35

You can follow Neil Patel on Twitter and LinkedIn.

15 Ann Handley

Ashley Chubin, COO at FlyHi, recommends following Ann Handley because she’s a “prolific blogger and tweeter who shares great marketing articles and resources.”

Handley is the chief content officer at MarketingProfs and co-author of the best-selling book Content Rules: How to Create Killer Blogs, Podcasts, Videos, Ebooks, Webinars (and More) That Engage Customers and Ignite Your Business.

You can follow Ann Handley on Twitter and LinkedIn.

16 Lee Odden

Chubin also recommends following Lee Odden, the CEO of TopRank Marketing. Odden is an expert on content marketing strategy, SEO, social media marketing, and more. “He’s also written several books on the subject of SEO, and regularly blogs about the industry.”

You can follow Lee Odden on Twitter and LinkedIn.

17 Paul Roetzer

“Paul Roetzer leads marketing training programs for the likes of Ernst & Young and Monterrey, so he’s definitely worth a follow if you’re interested in B2B SaaS marketing and the industry in general,” says Chubin.

Roetzer is also the creator of the Marketing Artificial Intelligence Conference (MAICON) and founder of PR 20/20, an inbound marketing agency that helps companies develop content strategies, build websites, launch social media campaigns, and more.

You can follow Paul Roetzer on Twitter and LinkedIn.

18 Jay Baer

Alex Mastin, CEO and Founder of HomeGrounds.co, says he and his team “love seeing Jay Baer’s tweets come through our feed because they’re always informative, relatable, and thoughtful.”

Baer owns one of the country's largest digital marketing firms, is a New York Times bestselling author and one of Forbes' ten Must Read business authors, and was named one of LinkedIn's Top 50 Social Media Influencers.

You can follow Jay Baer on Twitter and LinkedIn.

19 Chris Orlob

“Chris Orlob is one of my favorite SaaS experts to follow,” says Daivat Dholakia, VP of operations at Essenvia. “He's a specialist in sales technology and SaaS startups. Before becoming the director of sales & go-to-market at Gong, he co-founded Conversature, one of the world's first conversation intelligence SaaS platforms. He was even voted a Top 10 Voice in Sales in 2018 by LinkedIn.”

You can follow Chris Orlob on Twitter and LinkedIn.

20 Asia Orangio

Melchizedec Sundararaj, founder of Expertrec, says Asia Orangio is not only the founder and CEO of DemandMaven, but also a “SaaS marketing maven who has her finger on the pulse of marketing—both as an influencer and interpreter. Her podcast, In Demand, is specifically focused on tactics for SaaS growth and prosperity.”

You can follow Asia Orangio on Twitter and LinkedIn.

21 Brian Kardon

Sundararaj also recommends Brian Kardon, who Sundararaj says “consistently ranks as one of the top marketing experts in the world. He has decades of experience and offers a light touch of humor with his social media presence. His unique blend of marketing expertise and personality are not to be missed.”

You can follow Brian Kardon on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Planning on following any of the above marketing experts? Or perhaps you’re already following a few? Either way, share this article with them in a tweet or LinkedIn post and let them know how much people value their expertise!

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